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Hitman Episode Two Review

The second episode of Hitman opens with Agent 47 lounging on a bench in the idyllic vacation destination, Sapienza. With a newspaper in hand and a crisp Italian shirt on his back, you could be forgiven for mistaking Agent 47 as a proxy of Daniel Craig's James Bond--if it wasn't [...]

Minimum Review

As the shooter genre aged, it began to reach toward other genres for inspiration. Bending shooting with the statistics and upgrades of a role playing game became a popular option, but what would happen if a third-person shooter was merged with a multiplayer online battle arena, or MOBA, spiced up… [...]

NBA 2K23 – Análisis

2K Sports nos tiene acostumbrados año tras año a traernos su entrega de NBA 2K, el simulador de baloncesto que se ha ganado por derecho propio ser el mejor juego de este deporte en el mundo (literalmente sin tener rival en la actualidad), ofreciendo a los aficionados… [...]